Tuesday, May 03, 2005

the confusion, the confusion

but it's ok. Jesus is in control. i feel really annoying tonight. like, i'm not trying to be, but i feel like i'm bugging this guy i'm talking to. i don't like that. but i want to talk to him.

strangeness, right?

oh i love people and miss people and lately i want to be in GROUPS a lot.

i want to hang out with Coach K. he is a funny, funny man. oh him and his orchid stories. i feel kind of crazy about a boy right now, but it's a strange craziness. like a bizarre obsession but not a ... what's the word ... REAL out-and-out crush.

i need more sleep. i am reading Wind in the Willows right now. i spent about an hour in Barnes tonight.

spent a nice chunk of time in the Word. Jesus, make me desire to spend more time with Thee. strange night. bless sir. where is he?

jackie lea

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