Sunday, February 13, 2005

"Someone You Know" by Further Seems Forever

Want to hear an awesome story from my night which I attribute to my God?!

I was trying to think of a song tonight -- I said to Bec, "I used to just BURST OUT singing the chorus -- I think it repeats one phrase three times ... I can't think of it! Do you know what it was?" She didn't.

I got on the Internet, tried to figure it out that way. But didn't.

Said to my Lord, "God, could you please just put it in my head?"

Probably within three seconds, in my head were the lyrics, "Ready, ready, ready when You are"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I dropped to the floor -- I almost started crying! How overwhelming to be answered SO QUICKLY! I think it was God who zapped those into my mind -- what a fun blessing!

He is so awesome!! SO AWESOME. SO. AWESOME.

For your further enjoyment, you may listen to the song here. Blessings!!!

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