Thursday, December 07, 2006


this morning, when i woke up, i ... was awake.

as opposed to MOST mornings: when i wake up, i am half-zombie, half-intoxicated-with-sleep, and i feel like, "uuuuuuuuggggggggghhhhhhhhh, i CAN'T do this!"

this morning, i was all, "uuuuuggghhhh, i ... am AWAKE!" it was wonderful.

i had a very productive day at work; however, i was so far behind that today kinda functioned as my "catch-up-enough-so-that-tomorrow-can-be-a-catch-up-day." phew.

sister's Christmas present came todaaaaaaaay! fa la la la la la la la la.


Anonymous said...

yeah!!! My present came in the mail. Tell me what it is, please??? Oh well. Can't wait to see you this weekend?? Crazy about Kev and his ear issue, huh?? Well I love ya sister!!!!

Anonymous said...

I love waking up and being awake. None of this waking up and walking around the whole day asleep.

Anonymous said...

Hope you have a great weekend Jackie!


Jackie said...
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Jackie said...

I can get up I just cant get going :)