Friday, July 16, 2010

little bit lost but mostly found

first of all, i got a haircut today:secondly, what do i mean by the title of my blog?

I have felt depressed for a couple of days ...

and I have felt sad and lonely and dumb and unproductive and unexcited and tired and angry and ugly and listless and annoyed and not creative.
I have felt loved by God
If you're a believer, you know what I mean. If you're not, this post won't make any sense to you, but you should still ask me about it.
Loved by and in love with my Savior,
jackie lea


Anonymous said...

LOVE this haircut! and you. and our life giving God.
lawf, your emd

Anonymous said...

You look mighty beautiful my dear. Glad to know you're feeling loved by our Lord amidst the crud. :) Ash