Sunday, April 15, 2007

my day

i had a good day. church (love those youth group peeps!), made myself a REAL lunch (attempting to learn to take care of myself ... yes, i'm 25, and fairly incapable), talked to eir online, finished up my grad school application and essays (!!!!!!), talked to eir more, had an allergic reaction to sadie, and now it's bedtime.

can you believe that i'm mailing my GRAD SCHOOL APP tomorrow?!?!?!!!!!!

what am i getting myself into?



actually, the list of classes sounds AMAZING. Thinking Theologically in Youth Ministry, Theology of Discipleship Evangelism, Student Leadership in Youth Min, Sociology of Adolescence.


sooooooooo excited. and nervous. my first class will meet in atlanta at the national youth workers' convention. SCARY! a) flying alone, b) class with strangers, c) at the national convention. (i'm such a baby.) (but i'll hide it well!!!)

if you're interested in reading my grad school essays, they're below.
jackie lea

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