Tuesday, November 21, 2006

... and the parents

yes, i love my parents too.

momma is hilarious and NOT your typical mom. she's also not your typical "not-your-typical-mom" mom. if that made sense. she is like a song-and-dance mom. she loves Jesus and is daily in the Word of God. she is the woman who -- while a frightened, 1st-grade jackie lea shared about the scary "Bloody Mary" lady who lived in the elementary school's bathroom mirrors -- put ketchup on her face, turned around with a knife, and said, "IIIII am Bloody Mary!" I cried. It was great. HAHAHA. (Don't worry: terrifying her children is not her forte; loving them is.)

dad is WEIRD. tommy sklicks. he has his own made-up vocabulary that seems pretty natural to us now. he's kinda spacey sometimes, but he's fantastic with numbers and is my financial advisor (he has plans to make me a millionaire, hee hee). he is a man of prayer; it is a normal sight to see my dad on his knees. he loves Disney World, saving money, and Secretariat, the champion racehorse. he loves car races and his (awesome) card collection and his family.

so that's the family. since i "introduced" brother and sister yesterday, today you get momma and dad. altogether, the sommers crew of 5 has a lot of fun together.

we are definitely not a normal family.

i like that.

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